Successful Outreach at Singapore Fintech Festival Leads to Investment in Danish Start-Up
The outreach at Singapore Fintech Festival was a success
The Danish start-up Performativ, which participated in the festival, has received a significant investment from the Singaporean investor, Iglobe Partners, after the event.
The investment in the start-up was made possible because of the strong collaboration between the Trade Council, Invest in Denmark and Copenhagen Fintech. By having a common approach and focusing on a growing sector where innovation is high, Danish companies can export their products and solutions to several countries and secure necessary investments to create growth both in Denmark and globally.
It was very rewarding at Singapore Fintech Festival. In particular, we were grateful for all the work done by the Trade Council and Copenhagen Fintech, as it has been crucial for securing us an investment in Performativ.
It is a huge milestone for us, a small Danish startup, to be on stage in Singapore next to the world's largest financial institutions. It is, and always has been, important that when you are from a small country like Denmark, you have to prove your worth every day. Our investment from iGlobe Partners helps us compete in an international market dominated by giants.